3 Ailments Common in Cats and How to Handle Them

2 mins read

Cats are often thought to be more independent than dogs, and they are certainly very resilient creatures. However, within that, there are several common ailments that can occur in cats that you as a responsible owner need to be on the watch for. Here are three of them, plus the ways in which you can handle them.


Many cat owners will hear the familiar gagging noise and then know that they have to run to find where their cat is before they throw up on something difficult to clean. Vomiting is pretty common and could simply be caused by them eating too quickly, or having eaten something that is not agreeable. However, you should keep an eye on your cat once they have vomited so that you can be certain that everything is OK.

Cats will quickly become dehydrated after vomiting so you need to make sure that there is plenty of clean and fresh water for them to drink. If the cat continues to throw up, take a sample of it and head to your vet as it could be a symptom of diabetes, poisoning, and several other ailments. Make sure that you have a good cat insurance policy from a trusted insurer, for example Petsure cat insurance cover all sorts cats, from kittens to senior cats, regardless of age or medical condition. Having a policy in place beforehand will help keep vet fees down to minimum, especially if it turns out that the vomiting was just a symptom of a wider problem.


Cats, especially outdoor cats, can be susceptible to a wide range of parasites that you do not want in your home. The most common of these are fleas, tics, and worms. You might spot that your cat has fleas either by spotting the fleas yourself or by your cat excessively scratching. Tics can be found by stroking your cat and can be removed with tweezers. You can also spot a tic poking through their fur if it is particularly engorged with blood. Finally, worms can also be spotted on your cat, or potentially left behind in places like their bed where they often relaxed.

All of these can be fought against with preventative treatments. There are many dropper medicines that can be placed on the back of a cat’s neck that will help to prevent your cat from getting any of these parasites and bringing them into your home.


Feline Leukaemia

Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) is a transmittable virus that attacks your cat’s immune system. It is, unfortunately, one of the most common causes of death in domestic cats. It can be passed on through saliva and other secretions, which means that it can be passed on by cats engaging in mutual grooming or through sharing litterboxes and bowls.

There are many symptoms of FeLV, and some cats don’t show any symptoms until the disease is quite advanced. The easiest way to prevent FeLV is through vaccination, and your vet should include it in the boosters and inoculations they give to your cats. However, you should not bring a new cat into your household until they have been screened for FeLV and properly vaccinated.

These are three of the most common ailments that most domestic cats will face. You need to make sure that you always take care of your cats to the best of your abilities, and knowing how to spot when they are not at their best will be key in this. More often than not, some common symptoms of ailments will just be nothing more than a one-off. At other times, it could be an indicator of something else that needs to be addressed.