5 Reasons You Need To Hire A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

4 mins read

Did you know that according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 5,014 people lose their lives, and approximately 84,000 gets injured in motorcycle accidents annually?

In a lot of instances, it is seen that the bike rider receives the short end of the stick and is blamed for the accident. However, many times it is quite the opposite. But, still, the bike rider is left with pilling medical bills and other legal expenses.

You should seek legal counsel as soon as possible. A motorcycle accident lawyer is well aware of the technicalities of the situation and will help you deal with the aftermath of the accident. They’ll help you claim settlement if you are entitled to it and guide you through the process.

Here are five reasons why you should hire a motorcycle accident lawyer:

1. Protect Your Rights

The primary reason you hire a lawyer is to protect your rights. In case of a motorcycle accident, hiring an attorney must be one of the first things you do. A motorcycle accident lawyer has in-depth knowledge about the dynamics of such a case, know how to deal with insurance companies, and has years of experience backing them. Hence, he is your best bet at ensuring that you are not exploited, especially by insurance companies.


Different states in the US have varying insurance requirements. For example, in Colorado, the minimum coverage for bodily injury is $25,000 per person. And bodily injury per accident is $50,000. The insurance companies will exploit you even if you have paid this amount, and obtaining compensation will be complicated on your own. Hence, the best bet for a resident is to hire a Colorado motorcycle accident attorney.

Your lawyer will deal with the insurance company to ensure you get the settlement you deserve to cover medical expenses. They’ll try their hardest to ensure you return to your pre-injury lifestyle as soon as possible.

Remember, if you are in this fight alone, there is absolutely no way that insurance companies will take you seriously. They’ll try to deter you from taking your compensation. However, when you get a lawyer on your side, they’ll avoid any tactics they might use to dissuade you.

2. Help You Gain Compensation

Gaining compensation from the insurance company and the opposing party is one of the most challenging things. The Insurance company will try its best to decrease your odds of receiving compensation.

A lawyer helps you see whether or not you are entitled to damages, and if you are, what is the next step? If the accident isn’t your fault and you were injured badly, then you are entitled to compensation, both by the insurance company and the opposing party.


An attorney helps you understand how much compensation you can demand and helps you through the legal process of filing the claim. You can’t determine the amount you’re entitled to on your own, and you might ask for less than what you’re entitled to. A lawyer will ensure that you make so such mistake.

3. Help You With Filing Legal Claims

Filing a legal claim can be confusing. Hence, sturdy guidance will help make this process easier. If your attorney determines that you need to be compensated and that the insurance company is rigid about its terms, they’ll help you file your claim.

Sometimes, a simple out-of-court negotiation could be initiated due to the claim. Once the claim has been filed, the insurance company is much more receptive to what you say. However, if the negotiation doesn’t bear any fruit and you feel you are being under-compensated, you can always take the matter to court.

A reasonable attorney will break down the process for you and keep you in the loop. You’ll be guided through the process, and all your concerns will be answered.

4. They Bring In Experience

A motorcycle accident lawyer takes official action on your behalf. They talk to your insurance company’s legal team and negotiate a settlement with them. They also speak to the opposing party and negotiate on your behalf.


The attorneys for the insurance company deal with thousands of accident claims annually. If you aren’t experienced in negotiation and settlement, then dealing with them will be very difficult. You must be prepared for all the questions they will throw at you and all the mind games they’ll play.

If you hire a lawyer, they’ll negotiate on your behalf. They will bring their experience and negotiation skills to the table. They know that if you want a fair amount in the form of a settlement, you need to let your lawyer negotiate.

It is not only essential but recommended to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer when you encounter such a situation; they will help you mitigate it.

5. Represent You In Court

The insurance company isn’t always actively going to compensate you. Instead, it will try to cut back on the settlement amount as much as possible. If the insurance company is not budging from their decision and is giving you an unfair settlement, you’ll have to take them to court.

Your lawyer becomes the most important when you take your case to court. They represent you in court and fight for your claim. As stated above, they will guide you through the process of filing a lawsuit and then help you decide on an adequate settlement amount.


The court will help you seek a fair settlement. Make sure that the lawyer you hire for the job has a lot of experience in court proceedings. The greater their knowledge and skill set, the more chances you’ll have for obtaining a reasonable settlement. Before opting for a lawyer, it is better to do proper research and get on onboard the one who you think would be the best candidate for your case.

You can ask your friends and family to help you find a good lawyer or contact a peer bike rider who has gone through a similar situation and got their compensation with the help of a lawyer.

Bottom Line

There are so many ways in which a motorcycle accident lawyer can help you make the best of the unfortunate situation. They protect you from being exploited by the insurance company and the opposing party. Moreover, they represent you in court and negotiate on your behalf. They protect your rights and help guide you through the process.