6 Tips from Health Experts on Coping with Lifestyle Changes

4 mins read

In today’s fast-paced world, change has become a recurring phenomenon. We are constantly subjected to change in various ways, whether positive or negative. In the workplace, we witness organizational changes such as technological transformations and operational modifications. Likewise, in our lives, we at times have to bring about routine lifestyle changes for our betterment. But mostly, lifestyle changes are unexpected and uncontrollable, such as relocating to a new city when switching a job.

Change at any stage/period of life can be troublesome. It requires effort and discipline to accept without any complication. Many people find it difficult to adjust and live with sudden change and feel distressed even if it is positive.

Change can be in the form of either getting a new job or losing the existing one, the beginning of a new relationship, or the end of one. It can even be the addition of a new family member or the demise. Perception of transition from one phase of life to another varies among individuals. The response to this phenomenon depends on individual circumstances. So, if you’re someone witnessing a lifestyle change, then read ahead.

Below, we’ll discuss some coping techniques from health experts to help you adapt to changes in life.

Learn to accept what can’t be controlled

The toughest pill to swallow when dealing with change is acceptance and acknowledgment. Not everything that happens in life is an outcome of our actions or decisions. Some changes are bound to occur, and nothing can prevent them. However, try not to blame yourself when accepting change, especially when it adversely affects your life.

For instance, if you’re a parent who has experienced childbirth injury, you’re probably dealing with various lifestyle changes. Instead of mentally and physically exhausting yourself, seek guidance and help from lawyers. They’ll help you gain financial compensations against the medical malpractice your child had to experience. This way, you’ll be better equipped to pay for treatments and fulfill other necessities. So, reach out to a birth injury lawyer and attain your rightful compensation.

In these circumstances, it is necessary to make it through the phases of grief and reach the level of acceptance and satisfaction. Nonetheless, with the help of professionals, you can navigate through changes with much ease.

Practice mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness means being fully aware of your emotions, senses, and thoughts. It emphasizes being in the moment and reflecting on your thought processes. It is a form of meditation believed to help cope with stressful situations. So, when going through lifestyle changes, practice mindfulness exercises to cope with them. Ultimately, you’ll learn to manage and respond to unforeseen events and situations more mindfully.

Therefore, specify a time in the day to reflect on your thoughts and be in the moment. It will let you release the emotional baggage that comes with change. You can try either one of these mindfulness exercises: mindful breathing, observation, appreciation, listening, or awareness. Whichever you prefer, pick that and practice it every day.


Maintain routine

People often forget, or at times neglect, to follow their previous routine after a transition. Routines are healthy and create a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment at the end of the day. Instead of letting go of your previous lifestyle habits and practices, try to stick to them. It’ll instill a sense of control and accomplishment while also helping you adapt.

Religiously follow your routine activities even after significant adjustments in life to create an equilibrium. Having breakfast or coffee at your favorite cafe, going for a morning walk, and doing your skincare routine, are all healthy habits. So, instead of removing them from your life, stick to them as they help boost your mental well-being.

Healthy eating habits

What we consume has a massive influence on our health and well-being. Adapting to the new change must not alter one’s diet and eating habits. However, stress accompanied by changing lifestyle patterns always influences our eating habits. Stress stimulates anorexic behavior among individuals making them malnourished and incapable of living healthy lives.

In contrasting situations, some people start stress eating in trying times, putting themselves at risk of developing diabetes mellitus, hypertensive, or cardiovascular diseases. A balanced diet three times a day with strict timeliness reduces the risk of developing a lifelong debilitating illness.

Certain organic food groups help relieve stress naturally. For instance, bananas contain serotonin, a neurochemical substance that releases the pressure off the mind and produces relaxing effects making one content.


Prioritize what’s important

It seems like time has been flying too fast in the past few decades. As a result, managing your work-life balance with a limited amount of time in your hands seems arduous.

The ‘I can do it all’ logic does not fit all situations. One must learn to prioritize the critical tasks and delay the ones that are not urgent while keeping sanity intact. An excellent method of managing time is to make a to-do list keeping urgent tasks on high priority and relatively non-urgent tasks on low priority. Tick off the tasks one by one, and if you have time in your spare, move on to non-urgent tasks. This method will help concentrate on activities of critical value.

Seek professional help if required

Many people are reluctant to seek a therapist who can help them solve the worries of life. A therapist with experience and expertise can help where all other coping methods fail.

A therapist can listen to your concerns without judging your situation or making you uncomfortable about opening up. They’ll also help figure out ways to deal with the problem through cognitive behavioral therapy and medicines if required.

Moreover, your privacy remains confidential throughout and even after the counseling sessions have ended.


The Takeaway

Changes are a part of life, and they are the essence of being alive. Our situations, environment, and selves are constantly changing. While some are in our control, others will remain uncontrollable and unexpected. Some changes are trivial, like altering your diet, while some are drastic, like a new job or marriage. Regardless of the severity of the change, one must learn to go with the flow and be flexible enough to adjust to different phases of life. So, begin by accepting changing, sticking to old habits, maintaining a healthy diet, and even seeking professional help. Eventually, you’ll become a pro at handling change.