Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits in Elderly Loved Ones: Tips to Get an Elderly Person Eating

2 mins read

As our loved ones age, their nutritional needs and eating habits may change. Factors such as decreased appetite, dental issues, medication side effects, and diminished taste sensitivity can make mealtimes a challenge for the elderly. However, maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Below are tips and strategies to help encourage an elderly person to eat well and enjoy their meals.

1. Create a Welcoming Dining Environment

The atmosphere in which a meal is served can significantly impact an elderly person’s appetite. Make the dining area inviting and comfortable. Use pleasant table settings, soft lighting, and soothing background music to create a pleasant ambiance. A clutter-free and well-organized space can make mealtimes more enjoyable.

2. Offer Small, More Frequent Meals

Eating large, heavy meals can be daunting for some elderly individuals. Instead, consider offering smaller, more frequent meals and snacks throughout the day. This approach can help maintain energy levels and prevent feelings of fullness that may deter them from eating.


3. Include Favorite Foods

Incorporate the person’s favorite foods into their diet whenever possible. Familiar and beloved dishes can spark enthusiasm for mealtimes and encourage better eating habits. Be mindful of any dietary restrictions or health considerations when selecting these items.

4. Modify Food Textures

For elderly individuals with dental issues or swallowing difficulties, modifying food textures with additives like SimplyThick can be helpful. Soft foods, purees, or minced options can make meals easier to chew and swallow.

5. Encourage Social Dining

Eating alone can contribute to a lack of interest in meals. Whenever possible, encourage social dining experiences. Join them for a meal, invite friends or family members over, or consider community dining programs that provide opportunities to eat with others. Sharing a meal can enhance the enjoyment of food.

6. Experiment with Flavors and Spices

Diminished taste sensitivity can make food seem bland or unappealing. Experiment with different flavors and spices to enhance the taste of meals. Fresh herbs, spices, and seasoning blends can add variety and make dishes more enticing.

7. Engage in Meal Preparation

Involving your loved one in meal preparation can increase their interest in eating. Ask for their input when planning meals and invite them to participate in simple cooking tasks. This engagement can provide a sense of purpose and connection to the meal.


8. Respect Dietary Preferences

Respect your loved one’s dietary preferences and cultural considerations. Understanding their likes and dislikes when it comes to food can help you to tailor meals to their tastes. Avoid pressuring them to eat specific foods if they have a strong aversion to them.

9. Seek Professional Guidance

If concerns about your loved one’s eating habits persist, consider seeking guidance from a registered dietitian or nutritionist. These professionals can assess their nutritional needs, create customized meal plans, and provide strategies to improve their eating habits.

In Conclusion

Encouraging an elderly person to eat well involves a combination of thoughtful strategies and a supportive approach. Creating a pleasant dining environment, offering nutrient-rich meals, addressing specific dietary needs, and considering personal preferences can all contribute to a more enjoyable and nutritious eating experience.

Remember that patience, understanding, and communication are essential when helping your loved one maintain a healthy and balanced diet as they age.