Do you want to turn your small room to look bigger and more spacious? In this article, we’re going to give you all the tips that you need that will surprise you after seeing the result!
Many people think that a comfortable bedroom means a large and spacious room. In fact, it is not necessary to have a large room if you can utilise the small room fully. Narrow rooms can also be made comfortable if you know how to organize them.
Decorating or renovating a small room may also be fun and challenging. There are several great ways to help decorate a small room to be more comfortable and even look bigger.
Curious? Here are tips and how to easily make a small room look spacious and bigger!
1. Magic Mirror Effect

One easy way to make a bedroom or a small room look bigger is to use a mirror!
With a large mirror, it will create an illusion in the room. This trick is perfect for small spaces and the use of glass will make the room seem twice as large as the original. Magic, right?
2. Use a Low Bed
Still about the bed, another strategy to make a narrow room design look bigger is to use a low bed. This is because, the higher the bed, it will make the room look more filled. Vice versa, a low bed can give the illusion effect of a more spacious room design.
It is not difficult to find a low-sized bed for a room design that looks spacious. Low minimalist bed models with additional drawers underneath can be your choice.
3. Choose a Sheet With Minimal Pattern
Using lots of patterned ornaments in a narrow room will make the room design feel even more cramped. Therefore, you can use plain sheets or simple motifs that are not too crowded.
In addition, try to reduce the use of patterned furniture or decorations in order to give a broad impression to the room design.
4. Use a Little Color Variants
If you think that using white for the whole room is too ordinary, maybe you can add another color of your choice.
However, try to stay in a balanced portion and not overdo it. Limit your use of bright colors to red and yellow. Both colors work well with brick walls and wooden furniture. Balance with white so that the room seems more spacious.
Use White Wallpaper
White color can make a room look more spacious and is the safest to use to brighten up the room.
Especially if you use wallpaper. Why? Because wallpaper can last longer, even though the price is a little more expensive.
5. Set The Lighting as Much as Possible
Light is also an important factor that can create an illusion of space in a room design.
The dimmer the light, the smaller the room design will look. Vice versa, the brighter the light in your room, the more spacious the room design will look.
Therefore, you must be able to adjust the lighting to the maximum in the room design.
You can present the maximum lighting through choosing and placing the right lights. If there is a window in your bedroom, you can also use it by opening the window curtains so that sunlight can enter all corners of the room. Thus, your room design will look bigger and more spacious.
6. Use Hanging Shelf
Room design that looks spacious does not always depend on the bed. The use of other furniture can also affect the room design, including the storage area. Now, for storage, you should prioritize using hanging racks compared to large closets.
Hanging shelves will save empty areas in your bedroom so that the room design will look bigger. Meanwhile, the use of a storage area in the form of a cupboard that is placed on the floor of the room should only be prioritized for the wardrobe.
7. Take Advantage of Hidden Storage
You can use large cupboards that reach the ceiling of the room, and bookshelves that can be moved anywhere.
The wardrobe has various functions, it can be used to put various photo decorations, decorations and also as a table beside to sleep.
8. Bunk Bed

This is one of the right solutions that you can try, namely by installing or building a bunk bed.
In this way, there is space under the bed that can be used to put a desk or study, to a personal television room.
9. Use Long Curtains
Hanging long curtains just below the ceiling to the floor is one easy idea to make your room look more spacious.
10. Add Ornamental Plants
Decorative plants in a room can provide many touches, not only for decoration purposes. But it also has many benefits that can refresh a room, as well as provide a relaxing effect on the eyes and relieve stress.
11. Set the Needs of Furniture in the Room
One of the things that makes a bedroom look cramped is unnecessary furniture that is put in.
We recommend that you only place essential furniture such as a mattress, a cupboard, and a dresser or work table. The rest, you can put it outside the room.
Minimalist Concept
The concept of minimalism is a concept that is trending in the world of interior design and this concept also fits well with white wallpapers.
12. Put Some Decoration on the Wall
For this one, you can use medium sized paintings, posters and the like. Take advantage of each side of the room wall, so that the appearance is not boring so that the impression of a small room disappears when you are in the room.
Bottom Line
There are several ways to make a small bedroom to make it look wider than the original. Easy isn’t it? Come on, try the tips above at home!