11 Hacks to Stop & Treat Frequent Nosebleeds Effectively

3 mins read
how to treat frequent nosebleeds

Nosebleed a lot? Feel unease about it? It is crucial to treat your nosebleeds if it happen too frequent!

Nosebleed is sometimes a nightmare for some people. And yes, we all know because this thing related to blood.

However, you must still know what to do when this condition occurs to you or your local relatives.

Before discussing how to deal and treat the frequent nosebleeds, let’s first identify the causes!

Causes of Nosebleeds

A big factor causing nosebleeds is the dry air and the habit of picking the nose.

Both of the above can cause bleeding because it can cause the fine blood vessels inside the nose to burst.

In addition, several other factors that can increase the risk of this condition happening to you are as follows:

  • Nose injury
  • Blow your nose too hard
  • Crooked nose (due to injury or heredity)
  • Too much use of nasal lozenges
  • Infections that cause nasal congestion (for example, flu)
  • Allergy
  • Chronic sinusitis

The causes of nosebleeds in children are somewhat different from those in adults. Mostly, the condition that occurs in children is caused by colds, allergies, or dry air.

1. Red Onion

Red onions have a spicy aroma that can be used to stop bleeding. Simply slice the onion and drop the water into the nostrils to treat bleeding in the nose.


2. Ice Cubes

The next way to treat frequent nosebleeds naturally is with ice cubes.

It is no secret that ice cubes are the first aid that everyone looks for when they see someone who has a nosebleed.

Ice cubes themselves are effective in overcoming this problem because they can freeze blood vessels, so that inflammation can subside.

Simply stick a small pack of ice cubes in the plastic gently to relieve a nosebleed.

Read Also: Here’s Why You Should Start Drinking Warm Water From Now!


3. Coriander Leaves

It’s cooling and soothing properties make coriander leaves a powerful treatment for nosebleeds. To use it, grind coriander leaves with a little water and take the water that has been filtered. Put the water in your nose to stop bleeding.

4. Betel Leaf

Betel leaf contains tannins which are useful in accelerating the bleeding process. In addition, these leaves can also accelerate wound healing.

To use it, follow the steps below.

  1. Prepare 1-2 clean betel leaves.
  2. Roll up and insert it into the nosebleed nose.
  3. Press gently and wait 2-5 minutes for the blood to start flowing.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the best natural ingredient that can be used to treat nosebleeds.

The reason is, this one ingredient helps constrict blood vessels, making it effective at stopping bleeding.


All you have to do is dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and stick it in your nostrils for 5-10 minutes.

6. Nettle Leaves

Apart from being useful for dealing with and preventing allergies to the nose, this one leaf is also effective for dealing with nosebleeds.

How to deal with nosebleeds on this one can be done with the following steps:

  1. Cook water.
  2. Brew fresh nettle leaves.
  3. Once cool, dip the cotton into the solution.
  4. Place the cotton into the nose for 5-10 minutes, until the nosebleeds stop.

7. Salt Water

When the weather is cold, dryness of the nasal membranes is often the cause of nosebleeds. Salt water has been shown to be effective in soothing and moisturizing nasal membranes.

Follow the steps below to treat nosebleeds in this one way:


  1. Prepare a bowl.
  2. Enter water and salt and mix evenly.
  3. Put a few drops of the solution into the nose.
  4. As a result, the lining of the nasal passages will become moist.

8. Vitamin K

This one solution is more long term so it is not suitable for emergencies.

Eating foods rich in vitamin K such as spinach, mustard greens, collagen, etc. helps the body produce collagen.

Collagen itself functions to create a moist lining in the nose.

In addition, foods with vitamin K can prevent blood vessels from breaking because this vitamin keeps the vessels in their best condition.

Moreover, these vegetables also help speed up blood clotting.


9. Vitamin C

Apart from foods with vitamin K, foods that contain vitamin C can also be used as a long-term solution for nosebleeds.

Eating these foods daily will strengthen blood vessels so they don’t break easily and cause nosebleeds.

10. Protoleum Jelly

Furthermore, you can also use protoleum jelly as a natural nosebleed remedy.

This material is known to reduce dryness of the nostrils.

Just apply it to the nostrils, and the moisture of the nasal membrane will be preserved!


11. Nettle Leaves

This leaf is a herbal nosebleed medicine that is well known to be effective. Nettle leaves are known to contain hemostatic substances that can stop bleeding.

Brew 1 teaspoon of this one leaf and dip a cotton ball in the steeping water. Insert the cotton into the hole and let stand for 10 minutes, until the bleeding stops.

When to See a Doctor?

If the nosebleed or bleeding occurs for more than 20 minutes or is caused by a head injury, immediately visit the nearest clinic or hospital.

The reason is, it could be that you experience a posterior nosebleed which requires medical attention.

In addition, you should also immediately contact your doctor if a nosebleed is accompanied by symptoms of anemia, such as pale skin, fatigue, and a racing heart.


How to Prevent Nosebleeds

To prevent this condition from occurring, there are several ways you can try, which are as follows:

  1. Do not dig your nose too deep
  2. Not blowing too hard
  3. Quit smoking because smoking can reduce nasal moisture and increase the risk of nasal irritation
  4. Always keep the nose moist

In addition, here are ways to prevent nosebleeds for children:

  1. Clipping children’s nails regularly to prevent injury while picking the nose
  2. Parents do not smoke in the house or around children
  3. Apply a moisturizing cream around the child’s nasal cavity
  4. Keep the air in the house not too dry
  5. Check your health regularly, especially if your child has allergies