Hair loss or baldness is one of the biggest fears and problems worldwide. While it can be happened to both men and women, it’s more likely happened to men. In this article, we’re going to show you how to cure or stop hair loss before it’s too late.
One of the most common cause of hair loss is due to genetic or having a family history of baldness. Other factors would be due to age and hormone changes.
Here are 10 easy and practical ways to prevent and stop hair loss:
1. Onion Juice

Onion juice is proven to be a good method to boost your hair growth and also stop hair loss.
Why Onion Juice Can Stop Hair Loss?
Onion is rich in Sulphur which regenerate and nourishes our hair follicles. A study also said that applying the onion juice to your scalp will help your hair to regrow. Onion also has the anti bacterial and anti fungal ingredient that able to prevent scalp infection. By maintaining a healthier hair scalp, it will reduce your hair loss.
How to Make Onion Juice?
- Use blender to blend 2 pieces of onions.
- Filter the juice using cheesecloth to ensure there’s no remaining chunks.
After finished making the juice, do a scalp massage to your hair in a circular motions. Let it sit on your hair for an hour and then rinse it with shampoo afterwards. Do this once a week to get the best result.
2. Minoxidil or Rogaine
For those who don’t know what is minoxidil, Minoxidil or Rogaine is the only one medication for hair loss which already approved by FDA (The U.S. Food and Drug Administration) to cure baldness.
Minoxidil is actually invented to treat blood pressure. However, it turns out that it has side effect of growing hair. According to MedicalNewsToday, the result can take up to 3 to 6 months.
How to Use Minoxidil?
Simply just drip a few drop of it on your hair for twice a day. Do a little massage on your head.
Minoxidil is normally available over the counter at any pharmacies as a foam or lotion. Or you also can purchase it here.
3. Reduce Stress
Too much stress lead to a huge number of hair follicles into a resting face. And within a certain period, the affected hair will fall out suddenly while you’re just simply washing or combing your hair. The high stress also can cause the body immune’s system to attack the hair follicles that lead to hair loss.
Here are the tips to reduce stress:
- Yoga/Meditation.
- Exercise.
- Take a short break vacation.
- Do a Regular Deep Breathing.
Just remember, less stress equals to less hair loss!
4. Scalp Massage
Everyday, do a scalp massage at least 5 minutes. Do it gently with your fingers. To make it more effective, add coconut oil or sesame while doing the massage.
This method is proven to have significant effect of the hair cycle and stop hair loss.
5. Coconut Milk
You’ve might be heard that coconut oil is good for hair. Guess what, coconut milk is even better! Coconut milk is loaded with vitamins such as folate and niacin which getting the blood circulation in your scalp better. Besides, it also contains vitamin E in which help to fight the damage to your hair and deeply conditioning it in the same time.
How to Apply?
- Heat some coconut milk until it slightly warm.
- Take some of the coconut milk by your hand and put it on your head until your hair scalp is covered.
- Start to massage it for around 15 minutes. After done massaging, leave it on your hand for another 45 minutes.
- Clean it using shampoo.
Do this activity once a week and you will see the result soon!
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
Besides of all function that apple cider vinegar have, it also has beneficial for hair growth. It has properties which help it ward off bacteria and maintain balanced PH levels to stimulate hair growth. It gently exfoliates your scalp as well.
How to Apply?
- Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.
- Mix apple cider vinegar with water after washing your hair for the final rinse. Use this every time you wash your hair, and see the difference!
7. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has numerous benefit to your body and skin. However, you might not know that aloe vera also works to prevent hair loss and improve hair growth. Aloe Vera contains proteolytic enzymes which naturally stimulate hair growth. The anti fungal properties inside the aloe vera is effectively fight dandruff.
How to Apply?
- Cut the aloe vera leaf and extract the gel to an empty bowl.
- Apply this gel to your hair scalp and let it sit for an hour.
- Rinse it afterwards.
Do it around 2 to 3 times a week to get the best result.
If you can’t manage to find aloe vera in your area, you also can buy it from here.
8. Eggs + Olive Oil

Eggs can smell bad, but don’t worry! You don’t have to crack an egg over your head to do this trick. Believe it or not, egg can be a good solution for your hair growth.
They’re packed with protein minerals and B complex vitamin that strengthen your hair roots and stop hair loss. It also help to stimulate new hair growth and thickening your hair.
How to Apply?
- Crack few eggs to a bowl and add olive oil into it.
- Whisk them together until the white and the yolk are combined.
- Apply the solution on your hair. Ensure that you covered the entire head of the solution mixture. Leave it around 20 minutes.
- Wash your hair with cool water and shampoo.
Warning: Don’t use hot water as it will cook the egg and make the smell is impossible to get rid off.
9. Garlic
Garlic has high vitamins B-6 (Manganese) and C (Selenium). Both of these promote healthy hair. In addition, it has antimicrobial and anti fungal properties which help kill bacteria and promote hair growth.
A research has been conducted for participants applied the garlic gel to the bald spot on the head had turn out that their hair regrowth!
How to Apply?
- Cut a clove of garlic into two.
- Rub it directly into the scalp hair.
Warning: A raw garlic might have a burning effect. Overuse it can lead to skin sensitivity and irritation.
10. Lemon Juice + Olive/Coconut Oil
Lemon juice is another proven solution for all hair problems. It has rich source of nutrition’s such as Vitamin C & B, folic acid, and antioxidants. It has been known to stimulate blood circulation in your hair scalp that promotes hair regrowth.
How to Apply?
- Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with two teaspoon of olive or coconut oil.
- Apply this mixture on your head. Leave it for one hour.
- Wash your hair with shampoo afterwards.
Bottom Line
All those tips above are practical and easy to apply. All the material that have been listed are also considered very easy to get.
We all know the nightmare of losing hair. Hence, it’s better to prevent it from the early stage. Let us know if the tricks above work on you, and comment below!