10 Natural Ways to Get Glowing Skin at Home

4 mins read
how to get glowing skin naturally at home

Who doesn’t want to have a glowing face? A beautiful face is identical to a glowing face. What if we tell you there are ways to get glowing skin naturally that you can try at home?

Glowing skin does not always necessarily to be white or fair. Even though your original skin tone is tanned or dark, you still can get glowing skin at home!

Before going to the tips, you must know in advance on how exactly the characteristics of glowing faces. According to beauty experts, these are several glowing facial features:

  • There are no pimples and blackheads
  • No black spots on the face
  • Doesn’t look greasy
  • It is not dry and looks moist.

Does your face meet the glowing facial characteristics as above? If not, make sure to read this post until the end to get glowing skin naturally at home.

How to Get Glowing Skin Naturally at Home

Getting a glowing face using makeup is easy, but of course the result of glowing face from make up is not real.

Then, what about the use of skin care products? The results of skin care vary, depending on the price and the effectivity of the products you use for your skin.

Many skin care products can make a face glowing instantly, but of course these results are not permanent and can disappear after you stop using these products.

In essence, there are many ways to get a glowing face, but it is better to choose the natural way! So, here are 10 practical ways to get glowing skin naturally at home:

1. Healthy Lifestyle

The key to glowing face is healthy skin. You will not be able to get healthy skin if it is not supported by a healthy lifestyle as well. Start by improving your sleep and eating patterns.


Getting a natural glowing skin can be done at home with adequate sleep and consumption of healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits. Do not forget to drink enough water so that your skin is always properly hydrated. Also balance it with regular exercise so that your body is always healthy.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt contains lactic acid which can reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles, blemishes and help exfoliate the skin.

How to use it:

  1. Prepare 1 cup of yogurt, 2-3 drops of olive or almond oil, and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  2. Apply on face and let stand for 25 minutes until it dries.
  3. Rinse your face afterwards

3. Use Natural Mask

Using a natural mask must also be in accordance with the character of your skin. Unlike mask products that are sold in the market, natural masks are relatively safe to use every day and of course the price is more economical.

Here are some types of natural masks that you can use according to your skin type:


  • Oily skin: banana & honey masks, egg whites & honey, lime or lemon, and strawberries.
  • Dry skin: avocado mask, cucumber & aloe vera, milk, honey & olive oil.
  • Acne skin: papaya mask, tomatoes, aloe vera, stale tea, egg whites, and pineapple.

The thing you need to pay attention is that you have to choose natural ingredients that are suitable for your skin’s needs.

4. Natural Exfoliating

Another way to make natural glowing faces is by exfoliating regularly. Although exfoliating has the meaning of exfoliating the skin, this process is not as scary as imagined.

Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin cells left in the skin. Natural exfoliating can be done by scrubbing using natural scrubs.

In order to make a scrub, you can add coarse-textured ingredients such as sugar or coffee to be able to facilitate the removal of dead skin cells.

The scrub appliance is not much different from the face mask appliance. The difference is that the scrub should be applied to the smooth face and rub for about 15 minutes. Then, left a few minutes on the face before rinsing.


5. Egg White

Egg white is one of the natural ingredients that is quite often used in skin care. That’s why egg white is believed to be the way to make natural glowing faces.

To utilize it, simply by cracking and mashing the egg whites until fluffy, then apply on facial skin. Wait for it to dry, then rinse thoroughly.

6. Avocados

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in avocados have anti-inflammatory properties and are believed to moisturize the skin.

To use it:

  1. Mix ¼ avocado, 3 teaspoons of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  2. Stir it until smooth.
  3. Apply on face and let stand for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse your face afterwards.

7. Lemon

Lemon is believed to have an effective effect to make your skin glow due to its acid content. However, if you have dry or sensitive skin, it is not recommended to use lemon.


How do you make your face glowing with lemon?

The trick is you can use lemon as a mask and then mix lemon juice with plain water. After that, apply on face and let stand for approximately 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly afterwards. Keep in mind, your skin can be very sensitive after using this mask, so try to avoid direct sunlight during the day.

8. Papaya and Pineapple

The next way to make a natural glowing face is a mixture of papaya and pineapple. This mask made from a mixture of fruit is believed to lift dead skin cells causing dull skin, which in turn makes the skin look brighter.

How to use it, prepare ¼ cup of papaya mixed with 1 teaspoon of pineapple juice. After that, apply on face and let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. In order to get maximum results, this treatment can be done once a week.

9. Turmeric

The last way to make a natural glowing face is to use turmeric. With anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants in it, turmeric can make skin brighter and supple.


To use it, mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt and honey with 1 tablespoon of turmeric. Stir everything thoroughly, apply on face for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

Even after this treatment, your skin will turn yellow, you don’t need to worry because this is normal and can disappear when you rinse your face.

10. Clean Face Properly

The left over dirt from dust, pollution, and make up can clog pores which will eventually cause problems with acne, blackheads, and other skin problems.

Use facial cleansing products that match the type of your skin. The usage of inappropriate cleansers can have a devastating effect on the skin such as dry skin, excessive sebum production, irritation and allergies.

Bottom Line

Well, those are some ways to make a natural glowing skin that you can try at home. However, these ways will not run optimally if it is not supported by a healthy lifestyle. If you are hesitant to apply some of the ways above, consult with your dermatologist before using it.