Read This If You Want to Increase Your Hearing Power

4 mins read
how to increase your hearing power

Hearing loss is a common issue caused by many factors such as aging, disease, heredity, and even the daily habit. People with hearing loss might have difficulty to have conversations with friends and family. Don’t worry, there are still something you can do to increase your hearing power.

In this post, we’re going to share you some hacks to at least help you to hear better, shared by an ear expert!

1. Right Ear to Hear Speech, Left Ear to Hear Music

It does matter. Science has found that human’s right ear is more dominant to catch verbal stimuli (which reflects the brain’s left hemisphere superiority for processing verbal information). The research sample was also tested and founded in animal such as rats, sea lions, and dogs.

Music is a different matter. You should face your left ear to the music show for maximum enjoyment. Meanwhile, when talking to people, face your right ear to the person for better hearing.


2. Exercise

A recent study shows that as the level of cardiovascular health increases, the level of hearing sensitivity increases.

There is a relationship between the cardiovascular system and the functional capabilities of the organs and tissues in the inner ear.

By exercising, you improve blood circulation that travels to your ear bones and muscles. When blood flow is facilitated through exercise, nutrients such as antioxidants and protein travel throughout your body systems and increase your hearing power.

3. Sunbath Every Morning

You might be curious on how by sunbathing everyday can increase hearing power. Here’s why!

Sunlight is one of the main source for vitamin D. As you probably know, Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption for your bones. This will affect your ears performance too.


Lack of vitamin D causes osteopenia, a condition in which the bones in the ear harden and become porous, causing hearing loss.

4. Yoga

Yoga is widely practiced for its various health benefits. Luckily, there are several yoga exercises that can help your hearing too.

The main purpose of this yoga practice is to improve blood circulation in your ears and then in your brain. Increasing circulation helps improve nerve function and removes dirt and toxins.

5. Changing Diet

Change your diet by eating foods that contain the nutrients needed for good health and normal ear function. Ensure that your diet is low in saturated animal fat and refined carbohydrates.

Fatty foods can reduce blood supply to the ears and other parts of the body due to cholesterol buildup. Try eating salmon, nuts, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.


6. Regularly Clean Your Ears

Sometimes ear debris or wax can block the outer ear canal. This is a common cause of hearing loss. In general, earwax has protective antibacterial properties and is relatively healthy when you have it in small amounts.

Most of the ear canal is self-cleaning. However, in some cases, there is too much earwax and it becomes clogged, causing partial hearing loss.

If you really feel your hearing is slowly decreasing, don’t be afraid to check with a doctor because it could mean it is caused by another disease.

List of Foods That Can Increase Hearing Power

In fact, there are list of foods that can help you improve hearing power. Check out below!

1. Macro Minerals

This mineral can improve your hearing by ensuring that the brain and nerves are functioning properly.


Common sources of macro minerals include:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Pineapple
  • Raisins
  • Celery
  • Egg yolks

2. Omega-3

These fatty acids prevent hearing loss because they affect the brain communicating with the ears. This omega 3 content also prevents inflammation and ensures that messages between the brain and ears are sent effectively. Good sources of omega 3 are fish, shrimp, walnuts, flaxseeds, beef, soybeans, tofu and cauliflower.

3. Potassium

Potassium is a mineral that helps maintain fluid levels in the blood so it can improve hearing ability since the fluid in your inner ear is also rich in potassium.

Good sources of potassium are:

  • Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Raisins
  • Apricots
  • Bananas
  • Melons
  • Oranges
  • Yogurt and low-fat milk.

4. Vitamin B12

This vitamin improves hearing by controlling the production of red blood cells, decreases the production of homocysteine, which causes hearing loss, and prevents tinnitus. Good sources of vitamin B12 are milk, eggs, lean beef and shellfish.


5. Folic Acid

Folic acid is needed by the body to produce new cells and improve your blood circulation. Good circulation ensures that the insides of your ears are healthy.

Sources of folic acid can be found in:

  • Cereals
  • Liver
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Green beans
  • Avocado
  • Lettuce
  • Beans
  • Tomato juice
  • Eggs
  • Strawberries
  • Papayas
  • Bananas
  • Melons.

6. Magnesium

Magnesium can protect your ears from free radicals caused by exposure to loud sounds, thereby helping to prevent hearing loss.

Research has shown that low levels of magnesium cause the blood vessels in the ears to shrink, depriving them of oxygen and making the ears easy to deaf.

Good sources of magnesium are:


  • Bananas
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli.

7. Zinc

Zinc is a mineral that boosts your immune system, thereby helping prevent ear infections.

Food sources of zinc are:

  • Cashews
  • Almonds
  • Peanuts
  • Peas
  • Lentils
  • Dark chocolate
  • Oysters
  • Fresh meat such as beef and chicken

Prevention of Hearing Loss

We have mentioned all the tips to increase your hearing power above. But it doesn’t matter if you still continue with the poor habit than can cause hear loss. So what are this habit that you need to pay attention to?

1. Avoid Hearing Loud Noises Too Frequent

For some people, the loudness of a voice can be subjective. However, there are many objective ways to describe it for everyone to understand.

In general, the voice can be said to be too loud if you need to raise your voice to talk to other people. You also find it difficult to hear what people around you are saying.


Worst of all, your ears hurt from the sound that’s too loud. The only way to measure the noise level is in decibels (dB). The higher the number, the louder the sound.

Sounds that have been measured over 85 dB can damage your ears especially if you are exposed to them for long periods of time. To measure decibels easily, you can use applications available on smartphones. Check out here to see the list of sound measurement apps that you can download!

Read Also: 9 Trivial Habits That Actually Bad For Your Health

2. Don’t Put on Earphone or Headphone Too Frequent

Playing loud music through your headphones or earphones can be one of the most dangerous things you can do for your hearing health.

This is because when you wear headphones or earphones, you are also trying to mute external sounds that make you often increase the volume.


Bottom Line

That were the steps and ways to increase your hearing power naturally. If you follow the steps and consume the foods that listed above, we guarantee that your hearing power will increase gradually.

If you don’t believe, go and test it your self!