how to reduce white hair

17 Effective Hacks to Reduce White Hair Naturally

8 mins read

Nobody want to experience hair colour changes from black to white at an early age which will interfere their appearance. That is certainly undesirable and automatically makes everyone insecure. Before it’s too late, there are several ways to reduce white hair permanently and naturally.

White hair or grey hair is identical to the elderly. Normally, it will come when we turn 40 years and over.

Not only happened to old people, some people experience this at their early age. You must have seen some young people, especially young men with some white hair on their head.

Why Your Hair Turn White?

1. Lack of Vitamins

The main cause of white hair is lack of vitamins. In particular, lack of vitamins B6, B12, vitamin D and vitamin E can contribute to premature ageing.

In addition, deficits in vitamins D3, B12 and copper can turn hair white. Nutritional deficiencies do indeed affect pigmentation, but hair color is claimed to come back if we take vitamin supplements.

Meanwhile, research published in the International Journal of Trichology examines the factors causing grey hair in young Indians under the age of 25 years. As a result, low serum ferritin levels were found, lack of iron and vitamin B12 in participants whose hair turned white.

2. Genetic Factors

Grey hair at a young age is mostly related to genetic factors. This is based on the 2013 report of India Journal of Dermatology, Venerology & Leprology.

Try to check and ask your parents if they were grey when they were our age. If yes, you’re more likely to have it too.

In addition, race and ethnicity also play an important role. White people from the Caucasian race began experiencing premature white hair in their 20s. In Asians, premature gray hair appears in their 25s. It’s different again with African-Americans who start greying early in their 30s.

3. Experiencing Oxidative Stress

Not only from genetic factors, white hair at a young age can be caused by oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress causes an imbalance when antioxidants are not enough to fight the damaging effects of free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage cells and contribute to ageing and disease. Oxidative stress damages cells in the body and can cause grey hair at a young age.

Too much oxidative stress can encourage the development of disease, including the condition of vitiligo skin pigments. Vitiligo can also whiten hair due to melanin cell death and loss of cell function.

4. Certain Medical Conditions

There are several medical conditions that can trigger greying hair faster. Including autoimmune diseases can cause someone to turn grey at a relatively young age.

Meanwhile, research shows there is a relationship between hair abnormalities and thyroid function.

There is also a condition called alopecia aerate, an auto immune medical condition that causes hair loss on the scalp, face and other body parts. When hair grows back, hair tends to turn white because of lack of melanin.

5. Too Much Stress

Life is full of pressure. Sometimes, we get stressed and unconsciously make our health condition weaken. In fact, stress has bad implications for hair and makes it turn white faster!

Research from New York University explains that the cells responsible for colouring hair can be drained when we are stressed. Other studies show that stress is only a small factor, where other factors and diseases are more influential to make white hair at a young age.

6. Smoking Habits

Smoking has long been associated with changing hair to turn white. High intensity smoking for a long time can cause premature white hair.

The study cited in the Berkeley Wellness website says that smokers are 2.5 times more likely to experience premature white hair before the age of 30. This study involved more than 200 people.

Free radicals produced by cigarettes can damage cells that produce melanin. As a result, the hair turns white.

7. Chemical Coloring in Hair

Finally, white hair at a young age can be caused by chemical staining and wrong hair care products. This product is very likely to contain dangerous chemicals that can reduce melanin levels.

In fact, melanin is a pigment that gives color to the hair. For example, a chemical called hydrogen peroxide. This substance is in many hair dye products.

Excessive use of hair care products can cause white hair at a young age. It is recommended to use hair care products from natural ingredients and free of chemicals.

How to Reduce White Hair Naturally

Now you know all the possible causes of white hair, don’t worry as we’re going to show you how to cure it!

Here are 17 ways to reduce white hair naturally and permanently:

1. Tea leaves

Tea leaves is cheap and effective to reduce white hair. It’s no secret if tea leaves have amazing benefits in the health field.

How to apply:

  1. Simply strain the tea and mix it with one teaspoon of salt
  2. Rub on the head hair and leave for one hour
  3. Rinse thoroughly with water
  4. Do it regularly for 10 days and see the result!

2. Coconut Oil – Blackens Hair Naturally

Coconut oil is one of the effective ways to reduce white hair by mixing it with lime juice. Use the right size and in accordance with the thickness or length of hair you have.

How to apply coconut oil:

  1. Rub the oil mixture in all parts of the hair
  2. Do not forget to squeeze and massage the scalp and hair so as to sink in
  3. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water

3. Potato skin

Potato skin can be an effective way in dealing with grey hair effectively. Besides being able to dye hair, potatoes can also reduce white hair.

How to apply potato skins:

  1. Mix one glass of clean potato skin with 2 cups of water, boil for up to 25 minutes
  2. Strain the skin and let it cool
  3. Can also add essential oils to make it more fragrant. Apply to the hair after shampooing.

4. Hazelnut Oil

Hazelnut oil is known for a long time beautifying hair. It also already known for its good properties for hair, one of which is to reduce white hair that can appear at a young age.

How to apply hazelnut oil:

  1. To dry the pecan and mash it until the oil comes out
  2. Rub oil on your hair then let stand 15 minutes
  3. Rinse with water or shampoo so that the remaining oil on your hair can be removed

5. Yogurt and Black Pepper/Ground Coffee Mixture

Besides being good for the skin, yogurt is also good for helping to reduce white hair.

How to apply the combination of yogurt and black pepper or ground coffee:

  1. Mix one gram of black pepper (which you can replace with ground coffee) with 100 grams of yogurt)
  2. Use yogurt without sugar
  3. Apply the mixture to the scalp and hair
  4. Leave it for up to one hour
  5. Rinse with warm water and shampoo to clean

Do this trick every week to get the best results. Another benefit is that your hair will look more shiny. This trick can also reduce white hair naturally.

6. Pumpkin Mask

Who would have thought if a mixture of pumpkin masks and sesame oil could help you to get healthy, thick, shiny hair, and get rid of disturbing grey hair from the head.

How to apply:

  1. As an option, sesame oil can also be replaced with olive oil
  2. Mix the crushed pumpkin with olive oil or sesame to form a paste
  3. Apply to the head and hair regularly
  4. Do it at least 2 weeks to get maximum results

7. Guava leaves

In addition to treating diarrhea, guava leaves can also treat hair.

How to apply guava leaf mask:

  1. Mash a few pieces of guava leaves and mix with a little water
  2. Apply to the entire scalp and hair while massaged
  3. Let stand for half an hour then rinse with clean water.
  4. Do it twice a week to reduce white hair with maximum results.

8. Rambutan Leaves – Able to Restore Natural Hair Color

While waiting for the rambutan season, you can use the leaves to restore your hair color pigment. Maybe the benefits of rambutan leaves sound so weird to solve hair problems.

However, the benefits of rambutan leaves are real for removing gray hair that grows in the hair. Rambutan leaves contain saponins, tannins, and also polyphenols which are effective in preventing hair loss.

How to apply:

  1. Prepare fresh rambutan leaves and wash thoroughly
  2. Mash, squeeze until the leaves to remove the juice
  3. Add a little water and apply the juice of rambutan leaves to the hair
  4. Let stand for 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo until clean

9. Papaya Fruit Seeds

Love papaya? After eating, don’t remove the seeds. Because papaya seeds can be useful as a hair mask.

Papaya seeds contain alkaloids, tannins, and essential oils that are believed able to blacken hair permanently and reduce white hair.

How to apply papaya fruit mask:

  1. Dry the papaya seeds first
  2. Roast on medium to dry heat
  3. Mash the papaya seeds and drop the coconut oil until the mixture is smooth
  4. Apply the papaya seed mixture until it forms a hair mask mixture

10. Honey

Honey can also be used as a hair cream, you know.

In addition to the face, honey can reduce white hair if added with lemon juice. If it’s only honey, your hair may be sticky and uncomfortable later.

How to apply:

  1. Apply the liquid honey that has been mixed with lemon juice to the hair evenly
  2. Leave it for 30 to 1 hour
  3. Then rinse with clean water If you do it three times a week, the results will be optimal!

11. Ginger

Ginger can facilitate blood circulation to the hair shaft. One factor is the presence of grey hair, caused by blood and oxygen circulation to the hair shaft being obstructed.

Ginger is believed can accelerate blood and oxygen circulation to the hair shaft. If the circulation is smooth, the hair can be well nourished and stimulate new hair growth.

How to apply the ginger mask:

  1. Grate or puree ginger with a blender
  2. Mix the ingredients of honey and milk
  3. Apply evenly on hair
  4. Rinse using shampoo to get rid of the smell of ginger

12. Sesame Oil

The amount of vitamin E that is in sesame oil can nourish our hair. You can mix it with carrots which are high in vitamins and minerals that are also useful for hair health.

How to apply:

  1. Mix 100 ml of sesame oil and 100 ml of pure carrot juice into a bottle
  2. Beat until dissolved, then put the bottle in the sun for 21 days
  3. Apply as a hair mask

13. Flower shoes

You can pick flower shoes for your loved one while picking the leaves for grey hair needs.  Pigment in shoe flower leaves can remove grey hair.

How to apply:

  1. Heat some coconut oil, hazelnut, or olive oil. Add some flowers and leaves from this tropical plant.
  2. Wait until the oil and flower shoes soak
  3. You can use the previous mixture as a hair mask
  4. Use for 30 minutes and rinse using shampoo

14. Onion Masks

Onions are rich in catalase, an antioxidant enzyme that is useful for restoring hair color. In addition there are content of vitamin C, folic acid, phytochemical and iron which delay and even prevent the arrival of grey hair.

How to apply onion masks:

  1. Peel one onion, wash thoroughly
  2. Cut it into pieces, then blend it in a blender
  3. Filter using clean cloth
  4. Use filtered sari as a mask for the entire hair area
  5. Leave it for 2 hours
  6. Rinse with clean water, wash with warm water. Do it routine twice a week.

15. Chicken Egg

Chicken egg white is known as a traditional hair-black concoction, you know. Of course, with a mixture of other natural ingredients can reduce white hair effectively.

How to apply an egg white mask:

  1. Separate 3 white chicken eggs
  2. Mix with half a tablespoon of kitchen salt and half a glass of warm water until evenly distributed
  3. Rub and massage slowly in all areas of the head
  4. Let stand for 1 hour
  5. Rinse using clean water

16. Luffa

To improve hair roots, luffa is usually consumed for vegetable soup mixture. It also can help reduce white hair permanently.

With a mixture of coconut oil, these two natural ingredients work effectively with their role as hair tonics. Hair that is healthier and pigmented will grow when you apply this natural tonic.

How to apply:

  1. Dried chopped 1/2 of Luffa
  2. Soak luffa with 1 cup of coconut oil
  3. Store the two ingredients in a jar for 4 days
  4. After 4 days, heat the mixture of luffa and coconut oil with 2 tablespoons of hot oil 

Gently massage the tonic into the scalp for 15 minutes. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Repeat this treatment 2-3 times a week.

17. Consumption of Green Vegetables and Beans

Try to consume more healthy foods that are rich in vitamin B. Types of foods that are a source of vitamin B such as green vegetables, beans, wheat, seeds and eggs can be the right choice. Follow a healthy diet and you no longer need to black your hair with artificial hair dye.

Bottom Line

After practicing the above methods, which one is the best work for your hair? Let us know in the comment!

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