14 Tricks to Relieve Hives When Allergic Attack

4 mins read
how to relieve hives

Having an itch on your skins? Or maybe allergy? Do you know how to treat it so it can relieve the hives?

What Causes Hives

Normally, hives are caused by allergies. Meanwhile, allergies are caused by the immune system mistaking a substance that is basically harmless as a threat to the body.

These harmless substances are called allergens. In the average person, exposure to allergens through inhalation, ingestion or skin contact will not cause negative effects.

Meanwhile, in sensitive people, exposure to allergens can trigger the body to release antibodies that produce negative reactions.


Some Examples of Allergens Include:

  • Dust
  • Pet hair
  • Nuts
  • Insect bite
  • Drugs
  • Latex material
  • Certain plants and foods.

Allergy symptoms are generally mild, with itchy skin, watery eyes, or sneezing. However, in certain cases, an allergic reaction can turn into life-threatening anaphylactic shock.

If you experience an allergic reaction, immediately follow the following ways to relieve the hives when the allergies attack.

1. Soak in Warm water

Hives can also be treated by soaking in warm water mixed with oatmeal.

Oatmeal has ingredients that are good for the skin, it is not surprising that many people make this natural ingredient for skin and body care such as oatmeal masks.


If you want to add it to warm water, don’t forget to finely grind the oatmeal until it becomes a powder. Make sure the water is not too hot. Because water that is too hot can irritate the skin with allergies.

2. Avoid Allergens

When allergy symptoms appear, immediately identify and avoid the source of the trigger. Common allergy triggers around you, if the allergen is food, stop eating immediately.

If triggered by dust or animal hair, immediately move to another area or place. Don’t forget to stay calm and don’t panic.

The reason is, panic and anxiety can actually worsen allergic reactions.

3. Natural Oatmeal Allergy Medication

Oatmeal can also be a solution to relieve inflammation in the skin. The reason is, this one wheat product contains phenols which have a calming effect.


To use it, just mix the oatmeal with a little water until the texture turns into a pulp. Then apply it to areas that experience allergies, such as when you use a mask or scrub.

Not only for external use, there are many benefits of oatmeal that you will get if you consume it directly.

4. Immediately Consume Allergy Medication

When you feel allergy symptoms appear, immediately consume allergy medication that you have.

Allergy medications are generally used as first aid for common allergy symptoms, such as itching, sneezing, and swelling of the lips. Immediately taking the drug can also be used as a way to treat cold allergies.

Medicines for allergies that can be purchased at a pharmacy, among others


  • Antihistamine drugs
  • Steroid drugs
  • Decongestant drugs.

5. Using Cream

Hives that occurred due to allergies should not be scratched so as not to cause blisters and worsen symptoms.

To overcome these symptoms, you can dry off, change clothes made from cotton and apply allergy cream.

Two ways to treat food allergies that cause itching are:

Applying topical corticosteroid cream. Corticosteroids contain steroids that reduce inflammation and itching. Or, you can try apply calamine lotion. Calamine lotion can soothe hot skin that is inflamed due to itching.

Applying this lotion is quite effective as a way to treat skin allergies.


6. Compress With Ice

Itching and swelling that occurs due to allergies can also be treated by applying an ice pack. The trick is to fill a plastic bag with a few ice cubes.

Then, wrap the plastic with a thin washcloth and place it directly on the part of the body that feels itchy or swollen, for 10-15 minutes. This method can be used repeatedly until the symptoms subside.

7. Using Saline Spray

The next way to treat hives is to use a nasal spray or saline spray. This method can be used to treat and relieve hives during allergies.

Apart from treating nasal congestion caused by allergies, saline water is also good for treating sinus. Currently, you can get saline water at the pharmacy or make your own at home. Here’s how:

Stir 3 teaspoons of salt without iodide and one teaspoon of baking soda in a container. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture, then add one glass of boiled water (235 ml). Put it in a drugstore-bought net pot and spray it into your nose.


8. Use Loose Clothes

One way to treat allergic itching is by wearing comfortable and loose clothing. Wearing loose clothing can reduce skin friction with the material worn.

In addition, loose clothing will also cool the body and prevent excessive sweating, which makes itching heal faster.

9. Pure Honey

Honey is believed to be rich in antiseptic properties that can provide protection to the skin. This ingredient is also believed to be an effective natural allergy remedy.

You can apply it like a mask to reduce itching and red rashes due to allergies. Not only for the skin, there are a myriad of benefits of honey for the health of your body.

10. Pure Coconut Oil

You know, virgin coconut oil is known to be rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties. So it is believed to be effective in dealing with allergic reactions such as itching and red rashes on the skin.


You only need to apply coconut oil to areas of the skin that show allergy symptoms. Or, apply it on the biduri leaves first and then attach the leaves to the skin. So that the coconut oil used is guaranteed its purity, you can try making your own coconut oil at home.

11. Salam Leaves as a Natural Allergy Drug

You can easily find the next ingredient in the kitchen, namely bay leaves. The leaves, which are often used as cooking ingredients, are also said to be effective to relieve hives in allergy symptoms.

Especially, the allergy symptom is itching on the skin.

Here are the steps for using it:

  1. Mash several bay leaves until smooth
  2. Add a little water on top
  3. Let stand for a moment, then apply the result of the collision on the itchy skin
  4. Let the mash for 15 minutes

12. Natural Aloe Vera Gel

The next ingredient that has a calming effect is aloe vera gel. You can use it to reduce reddish rashes and itching on the skin due to allergies.


It is best to use natural aloe vera gel that is harvested directly from the plant. If it’s difficult to find it on the market, there’s nothing wrong with growing aloe vera at home.

13. Nettle Plants

Are you familiar with nettle or nettle leaves? This plant has long been believed to be a traditional medicine for allergies.

The reason is, in the nettle leaves there are ingredients that have the same effect as antihistamine drugs. To relieve skin rashes, itching, and the effects of insect stings.

14. Natural Allergy Medicine Cucumber

Another solution, use cucumber which has astringent content. Not only soothing reddish and itchy skin, this compound will provide a cool sensation to your skin.

You only need to thinly slice the cucumber and then rub it on the area showing allergy symptoms. Apart from reducing inflammation due to allergies, it is said that the benefits of cucumber can also prevent self ageing.