Dengue fever, DHF, and the deadly Zika Virus can infect humans through mosquito bites. Prevent the disease and virus as early as possible by knowing the most effective way to get rid of mosquitoes at home.
Mosquitoes are animals that have become our enemies of our long ago. First, the bite of this blood-sucking little animal makes the skin become bumpy, reddish, and itchy. Mosquitoes also become one of the causes of some diseases.
Mosquitoes can also indeed transmit the virus to humans. If not treated quickly and precisely, then people affected by mosquito bites can suffer from diseases such as:
- Dengue
- Malaria
- Chikunguya
- Elephantiasis
- Yellow fever
In addition, there are also diseases caused by mosquito bites which are relatively new and quite deadly, named Zika Virus.
3 Types of Mosquitoes That Cause Disease
It turns out there are three types of mosquitoes that are commonly found in homes. These three mosquitoes have different characteristics and habits.
Each of these mosquitoes also turns out to cause different diseases. Here are three types of mosquitoes that you should avoid:
1. Aedes Aegypti
You may very often find mosquitoes at home with a black and white body, right?
Mosquitoes with color characteristics are aedes aegypti types. This is the type of mosquito that is the “culprit” of dengue transmission. Inside him, the Aedes aegypti mosquito carries a virus called dengue. In addition to the usual dengue fever, this type of mosquito can also make people affected by DHF. As a result, the patient’s platelets experience high heat and a drastic decrease in platelets.
On the other hand, some diseases which are also caused by mosquitoes are yellow fever and chikungunya. Please note that Aedes aegypti mosquitoes will hatch their eggs in a clean pool of water. They really like dark places and have very active movements during the day.
2. Anopheles
Furthermore, there are also mosquitoes with the type Anopheles. This type of mosquito has a characteristic color of pale and dark on the wings. They are mosquitoes that cause malaria in humans. When a female mosquito bites a person, it also releases 50-150 eggs. In addition, Anopheles is more active at night and likes dark colors. Just like Aedes Aegypti, Anopheles also often lay eggs in clean water with parallel formations.
3. Culex
Have you ever heard about elephantiasis? The feet of people who suffer from this disease will actually swell like elephantiasis. It turned out that the cause was a bite from a mosquito type Culex.
Some characteristics of the Culex are as follows:
- Dull in color and has a brown stripe pattern on the abdomen
- Laying eggs in dirty water like in sewers and puddles
- Active at night.
Elephant foot disease is very rare, but you still have to be vigilant to get rid of mosquitoes at home, whatever the type.
Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes at Home
One of the simplest ways to repel mosquitoes so as not to bite the occupants of the house is by using a mosquito net on the bed and also the “5-ing” method (draining, closing, replacing, burying and sprinkling.
Function and Design of Mosquito Nets to Repel Mosquitoes
Mosquito nets are protectors made of thin fabric and dreamy. Although covered with mosquito nets, a person can breathe normally because on all surfaces there are cavities that can be penetrated by air. People usually put a mosquito net on the ceiling and cover the bed. Not infrequently also people who install mosquito nets on the framework of their beds.
“5-ing” Method
As explained above, mosquitoes often lay eggs in pools of water, both clean and dirty. After the eggs hatch, they will turn into larvae, aka mosquito larvae. If not immediately eradicated, they can grow up and be ready to prey on human blood. As a result of the large number of people affected by mosquito-borne diseases, the government has created a program to repel mosquitoes.
How to eradicate mosquitoes used to be known “5-ing”:
1. Draining
Do not leave any puddles of water left in the bucket or other water container. You also need to clean the water container often like a water tank regularly. A place like a tray for water dispenser for a drink, don’t forget to drain it!
2. Closing
Get used to close a common container to hold water. For example, buckets, tanks, and others. This method can prevent mosquitoes from entering and leaving mosquito larvae in stagnant water.
3. Replacing
Do you like maintaining fresh flowers? Well, flower containers, aka vases filled with water, must be replaced periodically. Even though it is not visible, mosquitoes make the water in the vase a soft nest to leave the eggs. Don’t even leave the aquarium behind!
4. Burying
Plastic waste often holds a lot of water when it rains. Therefore, when there is plastic waste, you are strongly advised to bury or better throw it away from home. Do not let objects like this be the entrance of mosquitoes to breed at home.
5. Sprinkling
In order to mosquito larvae in dead water, you are also advised to sprinkle abate powder. Abate powder itself is very easy to find in the market and cheap.
How to Make a Simple Mosquito Trap
To make this simple mosquito trap, all you need is to prepare these:
- A one liter used plastic bottle
- Four tablespoons (50 grams) brown sugar or palm sugar
- One teaspoon of bread yeast
- 200 ml of hot water
- Knife or scissors
- Bowl or measuring cup and spoon
- Black tape
To make this mosquito trap, consider the methods below:
- Wash off used plastic bottles, especially if they were used as a container for sugary drinks before, dry them.
- Cut the bottle in half using a knife. Before that, determine the height of the part to be cut, which is an inch from the mouth of the bottle. Set aside afterwards.
- Prepare a bowl, add 50 grams of brown sugar / palm and then dissolve it with 200 ml of hot water. Mix well until dissolved then cool.
- Put the sugar solution into a bottle, then put in one tea spoon of yeast. Poke it afterwards.
- Cover the bottom of the bottle with the cut neck of the bottle upside down. Cover the sides with black duct tape.
- Place the bottle in a corner of the house where many mosquitoes inhabit it.
- After 2 weeks, open the lid. We guarantee that you will find a lot of mosquitoes trapped in it.
If you want to use the bottle again, dispose of the contents, wash thoroughly, then make the mixture described above again.
A little explanation for you, a mixture of sugar and yeast solution will produce Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gas which mosquitoes like very much.
That consequently the animals were drawn into it and eventually died in the bottle.
4 Paint Colors That Mosquitoes Hate
An alternative way to repel other mosquitoes which are also considered effective is to use certain colored paints.
Apparently there are paint colors that are hated by mosquitoes. That is why, when there is any of these colors below in the room, mosquitoes are said to not dare to disturb! Check out a complete review of how to get rid of mosquitoes at home with the paint color as below:
1. Yellow
Well, here it is the color that is most hated and avoided mosquitoes. According to studies, yellow is the most difficult color for mosquitoes to identify because it is very confusing for them.
Is a very appropriate choice if you choose the types of decorations with bright yellow strokes to beautify your home. Because of its very bright and cheerful nature, sometimes using excessive yellow paint will actually give a heavy impression and tend to be hot. Therefore, it is better to use this color as a non-dominant outward appearance.
2. Green
Green is a color that is often associated with plants and is very interesting to choose from. Although mosquitoes cannot identify them, green has the same ability as other bright colors.
In addition, this memorable natural color stroke is also very suitable to be used as accent decorations at home. Carpets, sofas, pillows, tablecloths, to green plants in the room are some of the room decorations that you can choose. It is also highly recommended to place mosquito repellent green plants such as peppermint, basil, and lemongrass.
3. Green Blue Streaks
Just like dogs and cats, mosquitoes also do not have the ability to recognize and distinguish colors, or color blindness.
As previously explained, bright colors at home do not have the ability to bind CO2 gas. The brighter the color spectrum, the more it will ward off the absorption of this gas.
Greenish blue paint colors such as cyan, turquoise, teal, and blue are interesting outfits that are often used by many people at home. Because it is bright and cheerful, this color is very suitable if applied in a special room for children, be it a bedroom, study room, or play area.
You can pour this mosquito-hated paint color on the walls, as well as on other decorations such as bean bag sofas, bookshelves, to paintings.
4. White Color
Based on studies conducted by experts, mosquitoes have a tendency to like colors with dark spectrum. The colors are black, red, and dark blue, or navy blue. This does not only apply to clothing colors, but also to the interior and exterior of the house. If your house is often infested with mosquitoes, try to change the color of the walls to be brightly colored like white.
Unlike dark colors, white will not absorb and store CO2 content released from the body. The gas itself is known to be very favored by mosquitoes. Also multiply the décor with a clean outward appearance of this color at home such as the curtains, sofa cover, or even a tablecloth.
11 Ways to Repel Mosquitoes Naturally with Plants
Not only using variations on how to repel mosquitoes above, you can also use plants! See the following list of natural mosquito repellent plants to get rid mosquitoes at home:
1. Lavender

The popularity of lavender as an anti-mosquito plant is indeed very high. This beautiful plant with purple flowers and a little white has a fragrance that can make mosquitoes run away.
Do not be afraid of the aroma, because the smell of lavender for humans can have a relaxing effect due to the fragrance is soft and soothing. This plant can live in open areas as well as indoors. If you want to put lavender in the room, put it in a pot and then place it in places exposed to sunlight.
2. Lemongrass
Lemongrass or citronella plants are grass-shaped plants that can grow to heights of 5-6 meters. Apparently, the strong aroma of lemongrass is said to be the most effective way to repel mosquitoes.
The smell of lemongrass that can dominate other fragrances makes mosquitoes not at all interested in approaching the area around the house that contains lemongrass plants. Lemongrass can be planted in the yard or garden in your house.
In addition, lemongrass can also be planted in pots and placed around the front or back porch. Anyway, planting lemongrass can be an effective natural way to prevent the spread of disease viruses from mosquitoes.
3. Lemon Balm
Have you ever heard of a plant called lemon balm? The presence of plants whose leaves are similar to mint and its fragrance is almost the same as the smell of lemon.
Even so, lemon balm can be found in plant sellers and online stores. Lemon balm is also effective as an antidote to get rid mosquitoes attack at home. Planting is very easy, especially for those of you who are not fond and painstaking care for plants. Lemon balm which has a rough and jagged leaf texture can grow anywhere, including places where the light is lacking.
4. Get Rid of Mosquitoes with Catnip

Another way to get rid of mosquitoes at home is to use home plants. Home plants namely Catnip is one of them.
Catnip is a type of shrub that usually grows wild in the yard or garden. A study states that the Latin catnip Nepeta Cataria contains ten times more potency than DEET compounds used as mosquito repellent.
Catnip planting and maintenance does not take time and effort. To watch out for, if you have a cat, do not put catnip around other valuable plants. These compounds contained in house plants can stimulate cats to be more active. It could be other than the catnip plant, other valuable plants were randomly joined by the cat.
5. Geranium

Unexpectedly, this beautiful and colorful flowering plant can get rid of mosquitoes at home. Yes! This plant is called Geranium. Aside from being a mosquito repellent, you can make the beauty of the geraniums to decorate your porch. You simply put it in flower pots and hang it under the ceiling of the house or around the terrace.
6. Peppermint Plant
Most insects, including mosquitoes hate the fragrance of the peppermint plant. So that house plants are commonly used as a fresh flavor enhancer on this drink, suitable for planting at home as a mosquito repellent.
The bonus of having this plant at home is if you are bitten by an insect or mosquito, just pick these leaves from the stems and rub them on the bitten part. Itching due to mosquito bites can disappear instantly.
7. Pennyroyal

Pennyroyal plants originating from mainland Europe have many uses. Besides being able to be used as tea and cooking ingredients for fish dishes, this plant can also be one effective way to repel mosquitoes. Pennyroyal can be planted in your garden. Its beautiful appearance makes butterflies perch on it.
8. Garlic
You don’t need to bother planting garlic at home to repel mosquitoes, because all you need is the tubers. A few peeled cloves of garlic placed in the corners of the house, can keep mosquitoes away. Even so people who like to eat garlic will not necessarily be bitten by mosquitoes huh. Adding a few garlic grains around the plant can also help increase home protection against mosquitoes.
9. Marigold Flowers

This annual plant has a Pyrethrum content that is often used in insecticidal solutions. Marigolds, which are generally yellow, orange and light brown, are often used as mosquito repellent plants and also by insects by many people. Place marigolds in places that are usually mosquito gaps to enter the house, such as near a window. This home plant can live well in the yard as well as in the house with sufficient lighting. Planting is not difficult and the seeds are not expensive and are widely found. Marigold can also usually be found as a border plant around the terrace.
10. Rosemary

Rosemary is known as a beautiful flowering plant commonly used as a marinade for beef, lamb, or fish. Surely not many people know that rosemary is effective as a natural mosquito repellent right? This plant has a special flavorful oil content that is not liked by insects, including mosquitoes. That is why, rosemary can be used as a good way to repel mosquitoes. Just plant these plants in small pots placed in the kitchen. Avoid to water this plant with lots of water because it will kill it. Rosemary itself can grow well in a dry and cool place.
11. Basil

Besides rosemary, the leaves of the basil plant are also often used as a spice in cooking. This herbal plant that originally grew in India has natural ingredients that can repel mosquitoes. If you want to plant it, the type of lemon basil or cinnamon basil can be the right choice because it has a distinctive taste if used as cooking material.
Bottom Line
These are the effective and natural ways to get rid of mosquitoes at home. If you find it useful, don’t forget to share this content to your family and friends! Just by sharing this post, you might save your beloved from those dengue and malaria!