We all have met all those sales and marketing people that were trying to promote their products. At the beginning you might just curious and don’t have intention to buy at all. However, after the 15 minutes of conversation, you ended up buying their products/services. Have you ever wonder what kind of sales manipulation tactics they use that can change your mind?
Here, we’re going to reveal 6 sales manipulation tactics that the professional or experienced sales person use to control your mind and make you buy from them.
1. Creating Sense of Urgency
We’re pretty sure that you have heard the word: “If I told you I could give you a special promotion that only valid for now, will you make a purchase?” This is a common psychological trick that used to play with the consumer’s emotions.

Here are the reason why:
- The sales person know that if they give you time to think, there is chance that you’ll change your mind and ended up not buying.
- With a limited time of decision making, you are unable to compare the price or quality of their brand towards other brand.
Here’s the thing, DON’T MAKE A INSTANT DECISION if you are still not sure. You always can say I’ll think about it and do the analysis comparison after that. After done the analysis, then only come back to them. The truth is, most of the sales persons are still giving back the discount even if you come back after a while.
2. Testing Your Pride
If you come to the conversation and bringing your partner, this will be another benefit for the sales person. By the time they realize that you are still doubting to make a purchase, they will start to do this trick: Testing your pride.
Here is one of the example:
A sales person is offering John and his wife a product. First, the sales person will ask John’s background including his financial status. After a long explanation, it’s time for John’s decision whether to buy the product or not. John look confused and doubt whether to buy the product or not. The sales person hence said that: “Is there any reason, if we gave you the product at this price that you wouldn’t make a purchase?”
In John’s mind, he does not want seen as he can’t afford it. If John flows with his pride ego, he will end up buying it as the conversation is in-front of his own wife.

A study says that most of this tricks fall into a man due they have higher pride ego than woman.
3. Play With Your Emotions
Here is one thing that most of the people don’t really notice when it comes to sales manipulation tactics. An experienced sales person will treat their potential customer very nicely. They will make you listen to their long explanation, make some jokes in between, and even give you some praises of anything. Furthermore, without realizing, the sales person have moved forward to the closing topic: Telling you about those instalment plan, delivery date, and etc.
The sales person have already got things from you: Make you feel guilty if not buying from them, because in your mind is: the sales person has given all the effort and you’ll feel guilty to reject the offer.
4. Save The Best for The Last
1st Option: Bad

The world’s best sales person will get the potential customer to say no at the beginning. He/She will start offering you with the bad options at the beginning, and save the best at the last. Do you know what is the reason behind it?
This is a human psychology. Repeatedly saying yes dilutes the significance and confidence of each yes. But if a prospect say no to multiple options, when they finally say yes to the right options, they are highly inclined to stick with it. This is why an experienced house agent will show you all the bad houses first, so when the customer see the right one, they will confirmed on it.
5. Give All The Future Imagination

Imagine of an injury that makes your toes curl. You almost feel the pain although you’re not experiencing it right? This is what we called by “Mirror neurons”. Mirror neurons mean that feelings can be transferred without having to experience them first hand.
Here is the example of a statement by a multi-level marketing sales person say:
“Imagine if you can leave your 9-5 jobs and give you flexibility of work with much more high income.”
“We have a successful testimony that this guy bought a house in just a year by joining us. Imagine one year from now, you’ve bought your dream car.”
“Imagine rocking your baby to sleep without worrying about the deadline your boss just set for you that day.”
The persuasive statement above will stimulate your brain to make you start daydreaming. If the sales person can make you feel things, they can control your decision.
6. “Just For You“

People tend to choose everything that is more personal. Here is the magic word you will hear from the sales person: “Just for you, I’ll give you additional discount!” We all know that they are basically saying this word to everyone, so don’t get tempted to buy it!