Choosing a safe environment for a living is very crucial. However, it is just not enough. Sometimes, professional thieves and burglars are still targeting the home due to some reasons.
If you don’t want the burglars to enter and break in your home and steal your precious, check out below 10 tips to stop burglars from targeting your home:
1. Hide Your Precious When Your House have Visitors

When strangers come to visit your house, it is better for you to hide your valuable items. The strangers here could be any repairman, electrician, plumber, or any people that you just met.
According to the research conducted in the most of robbery cases, the burglars actually visited the house before they rob the house. The burglars will first observe of what are the precious things that they can take, condition of your house, and then plan the robbery plan.
Hide your expensive watches and luxury jewelries under your wardrobe. Showing off the valuable things to a stranger is not a good idea. It is better to prevent bad things to happen!
2. Turn Off Your House’s Phone When You’re Away

Here’s one of the burglar tricks that most of the people don’t know. Ring your house’s telephone!
To make sure nobody is at home, the burglar often to ring the house’s telephone and detect the presence of people at a house.
If the phone keep ringing, the burglar will know that the house is empty. If it’s no sound, it will then confuse the burglar if actually he/she is calling the correct number or not. This trick also applied when a burglar is trying to break your hotel room.
Therefore, before you’re going out, make sure to switch off your house telephone. Don’t make the burglar assume that your house is empty!
3. Use a Complicated Key for Your House’s Door

According to the data, thieves spent only 60 seconds breaking into houses with 73% of cases entering through the front door.
The keys that are most at risk of locking are cylinder locks and the most complicated keys are those that can be opened with a lever lock. It is advisable to lock the door with a tumbler pin and a lever lock as this combination is the most reliable.
4. Use Bar and Lock on Each of Your House’s Windows

If your house is not guarded by some security, don’t ever use a simple glass door without bars and lock. One of the easiest way for burglar to enter your house is through the windows.
A glass window is very vulnerable for a robbery to break in and it will just take them few minutes to go in. Otherwise, a bar and lock on your windows will make their life much harder and think twice before break into your house.
Well, of course you don’t need it on the second floor onwards, but it is crucial for you to install it on the first floor!
5. Keep the House Yard Clean, Neat, and Taken Care of

It is better for you to always keep your house yard clean and neat. The reason behind this is, an untidy backyard, such as long grass, plants, and so many leaves on the floor are the signs that lack of the presence of the house owner.
If you’re going for a vacation, at least do some clean up at your house yard to make an impression that your house is inhabited.
6. Create a Fake Sign to Scare The Burglar

You can put a fake sign in the door that you store any valuable items. This used to scare the thieves. For instance, “protected facility”, or any danger sign on your door. This will definitely make the thieves think twice before entering the room.
7. Throw All The Luxury Unused Boxes Correctly

After people bought an expensive electronic such as TV, fridge, and etc., they often to just simply throw the boxes outside the house.
This habit can actually attract the burglar and thieves as they noticed that you just purchased something. Therefore, make sure to fold or tear the box until it is hard to know what box it is. You don’t want to give a hint to the burglar that you just bought a new TV, don’t you?
8. Pretend Going Back to The House

When you’re leaving your house, it’s better to pay attention on the surrounding. If you notice a suspicious people that is walking around and observing your house, it is better to pretend not leaving the house. It’s even better if you say hi to them.
9. Pay Attention on Your Door Condition

Each time you coming back from a vacation or just working day, pay attention on your door handle. If there is a damage in either the door handle and the key hole, it indicates that someone was trying to break in.
In this case, you should change and maintain the new key. You also can put CCTV or hint your neighbor if they see someone suspicious around your area.
10. Don’t Simply Answer Random Incoming Phone Call

If you received a random incoming call to your home phone, think first before answering them. Understand what their question’s intention and figure out what is the motive behind the call.
For instance, it is weird if the person asking about how many people are staying with you.
Bottom Line
Those were things you should do to stop burglars from targeting your home. Stay safe!